Defined benefit schemes

We help to manage and mitigate some of the risks and uncertainty involved in defined benefit schemes.

  • Full range of services for all types of defined benefit (DB) schemes and circumstances

    Defined benefit schemes (also known as a ‘final salary’ scheme) provide reassurance and security for the members but can also mean increased risk and management costs for the trustee board and sponsoring employer. The assistance of a professional pension trustee can help manage and mitigate many of these risks and uncertainty.

    Our professional independent trustees based across the UK have many years’ experience of working with defined benefit schemes to achieve the best possible outcomes for both the members and the scheme sponsor.

    We can act as a co-trustee, chair of trustees, sole trustee or be a member of a sub-committee. Or we can be appointed for a special project such as a corporate transaction.  The advantages of having a professional pension trustee on your board include:

    • Ensuring governance and legislative compliance on every aspect of the running of a pension scheme.
    • Managing scheme costs and complexity through our knowledge of the market and through our innovative executive trusteeship service.
    • Ensuring the latest ideas and strategies are shared with you and helping you understand what may or may not be appropriate.
    • Improving trustee decision making by ensuring that our advisers have a clear understanding of the trustees’ objectives and strategy, that their advice is aligned to delivering on those objectives and strategy, and having a streamlined decision-making process to take advantage of opportunities identified by our advisers.
    • Providing guidance and support to trustee boards on the effective management of a scheme.
    • Identifying and mitigating the various risks associated with schemes.
    • Being an independent voice on trustee boards, to facilitate the best possible outcomes for members and sponsoring employers.
    • Managing a defined benefit scheme through a major corporate change such as merger, acquisition or other structural change.

    If you’re interested in our defined benefit schemes services, please get in touch using the contact form or speak directly to one of our team who will be able to help.

  • Get in touch

    Please complete this form and a member of our defined benefits team will contact you shortly.

    Trustee types

    We can deliver our services in a number of different ways

    • Non-Executive Trustee

      • Attend and participate in trustee meetings.
      • Work collaboratively with existing trustees and sponsoring employers.
      • Provide unique innovative approaches to the challenges schemes face.
      • Monitor the scheme's investment strategy and performance.
      • Provide strategic direction.
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    • Chair of trustees

      • Provide input and prepare agenda for trustee meetings.
      • Attend and chair trustee meetings.
      • Review and approve the minutes of the meeting.
      • Monitor actions arising and feed back on progress.
      • Also a strong, experienced and knowledgeable independent trustee.
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    • Sole trustee

      • Experienced team working behind each sole trustee.
      • Single point of contact.
      • Work closely with the scheme’s service providers and advisors.
      • Reduces need for sponsoring employer monitoring.
      • Invite employer and stakeholders to attend formal trustee meetings.
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    • Executive trustee

      • Maintains high quality professional services.
      • Strategic direction and full control.
      • Single point of contact.
      • Saves scheme time and money.
      • Access to our ground breaking technology, Mantle®.
      • Live administration and actuarial data.
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