Executive trustee

An executive style of professional trusteeship based on clear strategy and market leading pension scheme management.

Professional Pension Trustees image
  • Executive trustee

    We believe that the traditional model of a trustee board appointing a range of suppliers of advisory services can be an inefficient approach for most schemes. That’s why we introduced our ‘executive trustee’ style of professional trusteeship Dalriada.Together, based on a clear strategy and superb scheme management.

    Here’s why we believe our executive trusteeship approach is the best option for the majority of pension schemes and the sponsoring employer.

    Giving you the value you deserve

    At Dalriada we believe you deserve value. You should have full visibility of your scheme and be able to set your scheme strategy without all the administrative complexities needlessly absorbing significant amounts of your time. By combining our award winning, ground breaking technology with tailored expert pension trusteeship and our multi-disciplinary team based approach, we’ve made that possible.

    We’ve developed an approach to pension scheme management that gives you:

    • strategic direction. We ensure that corporate objectives and scheme objectives are understood by all parties and aligned where they can be harnessed to deliver better member outcomes. Our collaborative approach means that, the scheme is not run in isolation of the sponsor whilst ensuring that we deliver on our fiduciary responsibilities to the member.
    • single point of contact. An executive approach to trusteeship means that Dalriada acts as a single point of contact for the scheme on all services, with a wide range of activities delivered by us; such as administration, investment, payroll, accounting, some actuarial, legal and covenant aspects, with other aspects delegated to a range of carefully selected advisers where appropriate.
    • cost control. We ensure that your scheme is run efficiently, whilst maintaining high quality professional trustee and adviser services. Dalriada assumes the responsibility for managing the provision of all services, including those provided by our advisers, to one core budget, and we remain highly pro-active in managing and running the scheme.
    • time saving and quick response to market changes. The high degree of executive involvement by Dalriada means that sponsoring employer management time is released to be spent elsewhere, efficiencies are targeted and fees carefully managed, and that the scheme can react quickly to market changes.

    A better way to manage your scheme

    We can flexibly tailor our approach and services to your:

    • individual scheme circumstance
    • differing benefit structures
    • scheme membership
    • investment strategies
    • employer covenant
    • funding levels

    Ground breaking technology

    As part of our executive trusteeship solution, we give you access to our in-house developed technology Mantle® and the live scheme data.

    Mantle, is the only integrated administration and actuarial platform on the market that enables trustees and employers to receive daily updates based on live administration data and investment feeds.

    Find out more

    Read more about the Dalriada.Together model, the services, transition process and benefits. 

    You can call us on 028 9041 2018 or fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you. Alternatively you can speak directly to one of our team using their contact details.

  • Find out more about our executive trusteeship service

    Fill out the form below and the appropriate person will get back to you.

    Trustee types

    We can deliver our services in a number of different ways

    • Non-Executive Trustee

      • Attend and participate in trustee meetings.
      • Work collaboratively with existing trustees and sponsoring employers.
      • Provide unique innovative approaches to the challenges schemes face.
      • Monitor the scheme's investment strategy and performance.
      • Provide strategic direction.
      Find out more
    • Chair of trustees

      • Provide input and prepare agenda for trustee meetings.
      • Attend and chair trustee meetings.
      • Review and approve the minutes of the meeting.
      • Monitor actions arising and feed back on progress.
      • Also a strong, experienced and knowledgeable independent trustee.
      Find out more
    • Sole trustee

      • Experienced team working behind each sole trustee.
      • Single point of contact.
      • Work closely with the scheme’s service providers and advisors.
      • Reduces need for sponsoring employer monitoring.
      • Invite employer and stakeholders to attend formal trustee meetings.
      Find out more
    • Executive trustee

      • Maintains high quality professional services.
      • Strategic direction and full control.
      • Single point of contact.
      • Saves scheme time and money.
      • Access to our ground breaking technology, Mantle®.
      • Live administration and actuarial data.
      Find out more

    Reasons to use Dalriada's Executive Trusteeship Model

    • 1

      Maintains high quality professional services.

    • 2

      Strategic direction and full control.

    • 3

      Single point of contact.

    • 4

      Saves scheme time and money.

    • 5

      Access to our ground breaking technology, Mantle®.

    • 6

      Live administration and actuarial data.